Lincoln University uses the class method of teaching, which assumes that each student has something to contribute and something to gain by attending class. It further assumes that there is much more instruction absorbed in the classroom than can be tested on examinations. Therefore, students are expected to attend all regularly scheduled class meetings and should exhibit good faith in this regard.
For the control of absences, the faculty adopted the following regulations:
In case of illness, death in the family, or other extenuating circumstances, the student must present documented evidence of inability to attend classes to the vice president for student success. In such cases the student is responsible for all work missed during those absences.
The Office of the Registrar monitors students’ academic standing and applies statuses of Good, Warning, Probation and Dismissed based on policy statements contained herein. When warranted, academic standing will be revised following the fall and spring semesters. Academic standing is not revised as a result of grades earned during summer sessions.
A student on academic probation must meet with his or her advisor to develop an academic plan that includes a listing of courses to be taken and support services for purposes of raising the cumulative GPA (CGPA) to an acceptable level. A student on academic warning will be able to self-register; a student on academic probation must be registered by his or her advisor.
A student placed on academic probation (because he or she has earned a minimum of 30 credits and has a CGPA below 2.0) may not enroll in more than 13 credits during a semester or seven credits during a summer session without written permission from his or her academic advisor. Such students cannot represent the student body or the University in public or official capacities, including debates, dramatic, choral, or musical performances, intercollegiate athletics, student publications, elective or appointive positions in campus government, on-campus committees, cheerleading, managing athletic teams, fashion shows, fraternity and sorority organizations, and leadership positions on campus, or similar activities.
If a student is in good standing in August (all first-year students as well as others with 2.0 CGPA or higher), then s/he is eligible to participate in extracurricular activities for that academic year. Should a student on academic probation (fall semester) earn a 2.0 or higher CGPA at the end of the fall term, s/he would be in good standing (thus removing all sanctions). Any re-admitted student (having achieved at least the minimum CGPA listed in the table below but still below the good standing criterion of 2.0 CGPA will be placed on academic probation and is subject to the conditions assigned to this designation.
Upper class students (who have earned 30 or more credits) would receive an academic warning after the fall term if their CGPA falls below 2.0, but no extracurricular activity limitations are imposed for the spring semester. Upper class students are placed on academic probation in August when their CGPA falls below 2.0 and they have earned a minimum of 30 credits; these students would be barred from participating in or representing the student body or University in the aforementioned extracurricular activities.
Academic warning, academic probation or academic dismissal is not recorded on the transcript of a student.
Regulations relating to posting of materials on campus shall apply to all students and organizations.
General Regulations:
The University expects all students to comply with the policy of an alcohol-free/dry campus. To comply with state law and institutional policies, the following guidelines are established:
Anyone found in violation of the alcohol-free/dry campus policy is subject to (1) immediate interim suspension, (2) a subsequent judicial hearing, and/or (3) extended suspension, permanent suspension, or expulsion.
It is the student’s responsibility to provide the Registrar’s Office with current information concerning local and permanent mailing addresses and telephone numbers. Any changes in such information during the academic year must be provided to the Registrar’s Office immediately to ensure receipt of all official University correspondence.
Lincoln University is committed to providing a work environment and learning community that is free from all forms of unlawful discrimination. The University does not tolerate discrimination against any individual, whether by actions, words, jokes, or comments, based on an individual’s sex, race, color, national origin, age, religion, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, genetic information, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic. Harassment based on any of these characteristics is a form of discrimination and also is prohibited. The University’s policies regarding discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct can be accessed on the University’s Human Resources policies webpage.
Any individual who violates the University’s policies prohibiting unlawful discrimination or harassment shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion or termination of employment.
Freedom of speech and expression is highly valued by the University. Distribution of non-commercial literature, pamphlets or leaflets on campus, or within buildings located on University-owned property, however, is restricted as follows:
Distribution of commercial literature or leaflets by organizations not recognized by The Office of Student Life and Development, or registered with the University, or by individual students or people not officially connected with the University, is not permitted on University-controlled property without the approval of the vice president of student success or his or her designated representative. Literature and materials distributed on university-controlled property must not contain language that is libelous, obscene, or in violation of federal, state, or local laws.
Physical assault, including sexual assault, is prohibited. Intentional harassment of another person shall not be tolerated. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, threatening, intimidating, verbally abusing, impeding, telephoning, texting, social media, or following or persistently bothering or annoying someone else.
The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 requires Lincoln University, as an institution of higher education receiving federal funds, to certify to the Secretary of Education that it has adopted and implemented an anti-drug and alcohol abuse program for its students and employees. Accordingly, the University adopts the following policy:
Lincoln University does not permit or condone the illicit or unauthorized possession, use, consumption, sale, or distribution of illegal drugs by its students and employees on its property or as part of its activities. This policy applies to all full-time and part-time students; and all full-time and part-time permanent and temporary employees, including faculty, administration, all exempt and non-exempt staff, and any student employees and interns.
Students who violate this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action consistent with local, state, and federal laws, and University policies and procedures which include: (1) immediate interim suspension, (2) a subsequent judicial hearing, and/or (3) extended suspension, permanent suspension, or expulsion.
Employees who violate this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action consistent with local, state, and federal laws which may include counseling, mandatory participation in an appropriate rehabilitation program, a warning, placement on strict probation, unpaid suspension from employment, termination of employment and referral to the proper law enforcement authorities for prosecution. All disciplinary procedures and appeals presently applicable to students and all categories of employees will continue to be available for violation of this policy.
A student accused of a serious offense shall be notified in writing of the specific charge before the case is considered. The student shall be notified in writing of the time and place of the consideration of the case, and shall have reasonable time and opportunity to prepare a defense and the right to be represented by a person of the student’s choice consistent with University policies. The student shall also have the opportunity to testify and to present witnesses and evidence. The University reserves the right to issue an interim suspension any time an incident occurs and the University determines that the presence of an individual(s) on campus threatens the life, health, safety, and well-being of that individual(s) or the campus community.
Federal Law
Federal drug laws parallel Pennsylvania drug laws in many respects. For example, it is a federal offense to manufacture, distribute, or possess with intent to distribute, a controlled substance or a counterfeit controlled substance. As under the Pennsylvania Penal Code, any property associated with the unlawful handling of controlled substance may be forfeited to the authorities. Federal law also provides that a person age 18 or older who distributes a controlled substance to a person under 21 years of age may be sentenced to a term of imprisonment and/ or a fine of up to twice the amount authorized for distribution to a person over the age of 21.
An important sanction under federal law is that persons convicted of any federal or state offense involving possession of a controlled substance are ineligible to receive any or all federal benefits (e.g., social security, student loans) for up to one year. If the offense involves distribution of a controlled substance, the guilty person could be ineligible for any or all federal benefits for up to 5 years.
There are both federal and state laws specifically dealing with the distribution or manufacturing of controlled substances in or near schools or colleges. For example, federal law provides that a drug offense committed within 1,000 feet of school property, including universities, is punishable by a term of imprisonment and a fine of up to twice the amount authorized for the same offense committed away from school property.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. They are:
Education institutions are permitted by FERPA to disclose directory information for currently enrolled students without the consent of the student unless the student requests that his or her information not be disclosed during an academic year. An educational institution may designate categories of information and students may specify which categories should not be disclosed.
Lincoln University has designated the following categories of student’s information as public or “Directory Information.” Such information may be disclosed by Lincoln University for any purpose, at its discretion.
Category I: Name, address, telephone number, dates of attendance, e-mail address, class, and enrollment status.
Category II: Previous institution(s) attended, major field of study, awards, honors (includes dean's list), degree(s) conferred (including dates).
Category III: Past and present participation in officially recognized sports and activities, physical factors (height, weight of athletes), photographs, student ID, date and place of birth.
To withhold disclosure for an academic year, written notification should be received by the Office of the Registrar, Lincoln University, Lincoln University, PA 19352, prior to September 1. The “Request to Withhold Directory Information” form is available on the Registrar’s website.
If someone who has been sexually assaulted comes to you, encourage the person to report the incident to the Title IX coordinator, seek medical attention, and pursue counseling. You may also report incidents to:
Motor vehicle registration information is available at Public Safety office located in the International Cultural Center (ICC). First-year students are not allowed to have a vehicle on campus. All vehicles must be registered each year in August, and vehicles must be registered within three days of the beginning of the semester, or by Labor Day at the latest. You must provide a valid driver’s license, current proof of insurance, valid registration and a letter of permission from the owner of the vehicle granting students control of the vehicle. Vehicles will be registered between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday–Friday only. Under no circumstances will any vehicle receive registration stickers without appropriate documents. No exceptions.
Lincoln University acknowledges the rights and privileges of students or groups of students to gather on University property for the purpose of peaceful assembly. The University expects the rights and privileges of all persons to be respected at such gatherings.
“Peaceful assembly” is defined as any purposeful gathering on campus, in or outside a University building or facility, by one or more persons whose conduct is peaceful and is in accordance with the University rules, practices, and law. Peaceful assembly includes meetings, speeches, debates, demonstrations, marches, vigils, sit-ins, rallies, protests, and similar meetings or gatherings that do not threaten or violate policies and rules; interfere with the conduct of University business, regular schedules or events; infringe on the rights of others; endanger the health and safety of others; or damage or destroy property.
The University requires that persons engaged in such assemblies on campus conduct themselves in a manner that will not impair the health or safety of any individual, disrupt the normal conduct of University affairs, or damage and destroy property. Any act by student demonstrators that interferes with the rights of others, disrupts or impairs the normal functioning of the University, damages or destroys property, or impairs health or safety is grounds for suspension or dismissal from the University.
Persons planning or initiating such assemblies to be conducted on the University campus are requested to identify their groups and to state their purpose in advance to the appropriate University personnel through the dean of students. Areas may be reserved, if available, for the accommodation of such assemblies. Arrangements for any assembly which involve the use of University buildings not available for general use must be made with the appropriate person. The organization sponsoring a speaker or conducting an assembly assumes the responsibility for maintaining the University’s policies on peaceful assembly and student freedom of expression.
In the planning of such events, staff assistance is available to help eliminate or minimize the possibility of disruption. The involvement of the Department of Public Safety may be required to assure that the rights of all concerned are protected.
Demonstrations are prohibited in classrooms during hours that they are scheduled for use, or at any locality when conducted in a manner that interferes with the educational function of the University. Demonstrations are further prohibited in any special use facility. Demonstrators refusing to vacate such premises when directed by the instructor in charge or by authorized staff are subject to immediate disciplinary action and arrest under applicable city and state laws.
The University does not carry insurance to cover the loss of or damage to the personal property of students, faculty, or staff. Accordingly, valuable articles should be covered by personal property insurance policies. The University requires all students to purchase personal property insurance unless they provide documentation showing they have other coverage. Under no circumstances will the University reimburse students for loss, theft or damage of their personal property.
Lincoln University has joined hundreds of colleges and universities around the nation in a concern about the harmful effects of the use of tobacco products by those in its campus community. Tobacco use has clearly been established as a preventable cause of many kinds of illness. Current research indicates that tobacco smoke exposure in confined areas may be a health hazard to non-smokers. Smoke from cigarettes, cigars, pipes and vaporless cigarettes can be an irritant to many non-smokers and can aggravate allergic conditions. In sufficient concentration, secondhand smoke may be harmful to those with chronic heart or lung disease.
Though affecting primarily the user, smokeless tobacco is also recognized as potentially harmful, and the policy outlined in this statement shall be interpreted as meaning that the use of smoke-less tobacco products will be prohibited in the same areas as is tobacco smoking. No smoking will be allowed in any campus building, including residential halls at Lincoln University. Smokers are required to stand 50 feet away from entrance and exit doors of buildings.
Solicitation on University property is generally prohibited. Individual students and organizations recognized by the University must comply with the regulations governing solicitation as provided herein and with the approval of the Office of Student Life and Development. Otherwise solicitation, selling, merchandising, posting, and/or other distribution of posters and/ or handbills or similar activities on university-controlled property are prohibited. Exceptions shall be approved by the vice president for student success or his or her designated representative. Under no circumstances or means will credit card solicitation be allowed or permitted on campus.
Each student is responsible for compliance with the rules and regulations governing the registration and use of motor vehicles as printed in the campus traffic regulations. This information may be obtained from the Department of Public Safety. Students should familiarize themselves with these regulations.
Visitor’s Passes
All visitors to the university must check in with public safety. The entrance gate located on Baltimore Pike is manned 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Students must present their student identification card upon entering or be subject to denied access. Individuals found on campus without a visitor’s pass may be subject to criminal charges and immediate removal.
If you experience or witness sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking, report it immediately to Public Safety at 484-365-7211 or your Title IX coordinator, Gerard Garlic, Wright Hall, Room 107, 484-746-0000, If the Title IX coordinator is unavailable or you believe it would be inappropriate to contact that person, you should immediately contact the Department of Public Safety or any other member of management (vice presidents, deans, directors, associate/assistant directors, or supervisors). You can raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal or retaliation. All allegations of sexual misconduct will be quickly and discreetly investigated.
A person also may file a complaint with the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights regarding an alleged violation of Title IX by calling 1-800-421-3481.
It is the policy of Lincoln University to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits sex discrimination, including sexual harassment and sexual violence, in any of the University’s programs and activities. The University also complies with the provisions of Title IX that protect individuals from retaliation for filing a complaint, testifying, or participating in any way in an investigation, proceeding, or lawsuit alleging sex discrimination. The University’s policies regarding Title IX can be accessed on the University’s Human Resources Policies webpage.
View the full sexual assault policy, HRM 122, from Human Resources at
The University’s Title IX coordinator, Gerard Garlic, is responsible for overseeing complaints of sex discrimination, including sexual harassment. The Title IX coordinator will:
The Title IX coordinator may also assist the institution’s law enforcement employees on appropriate responses to reports of sexual violence. In these cases, the coordinator should have access to school law enforcement investigation notes and findings unless access would compromise a criminal investigation. Furthermore, the coordinator is responsible for reviewing all complaints received to identify and address any patterns or systemic problems.
Any use of amplifying equipment, including sound trucks, on University-owned property requires the prior approval of the dean of students.
No student or organization may make use of the institutional name of the University for the purpose of solicitation unless permission is obtained in writing from the vice president for student success and the director of communications & public relations.